2025. March 13., Thursday

A Nobel laureate researcher is to visit Szeged again

Erwin Neher, Nobel laureate researcher and Eva Neher, the CEO of X-labs are scheduled to visit Szeged from June 11th, 2015 to 14th June. The two scientists of world fame are coming to our city upon the invitation of the Foundation for the Future of Biomedical Research in Szeged and the Szeged Scientist Academy for the fourth meeting of Nobel laureates and Talented Students.

It will be the fourth time that the Foundation for the Future of Biomedical Research in Szeged and the Szeged Scientist Academy have organized the talent program which was launched by the University of Szeged and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Center of Biology in 2012 on the 75th anniversary of the Nobel Prize of Albert Szent-Györgyi.

Two scientists of world fame in Szeged


Erwin Neher Nobel laureate researcher and Eva Neher the CEO of X-lab arrive on 11th June, 2015 in the city by the bank of Tisza River. The two researchers of world fame will be the honorary guests of the fourth Meeting of Nobel Laureates-Talented Students.

Erwin Neher, German biophysicist won the Nobel Prize of Medicine in 1991 for his discoveries of the functioning of the ion canals of cells and the creation of the patch clamp assessment technique. This year’s visit in Szeged is special because Eva Neher, CEO of the X-lab program in Gottingen is also coming to Szeged. The laboratory provides a special, scientific training for students between the ages of 16-20 years, thus supporting the education of young talents into scientists.

Supporting secondary school talents


The Szeged visit of the two scientists of world fame makes it possible for the secondary school and university students to learn through personal experience why it is worth going into scientific activities. As for the program, it is known that the two scientists will meet the Szent-Györgyi Students of Szeged Scientist Academy and their mentors, what is more: they are together scheduled to participate in a scientific conference where Szent-Györgyi students will present their research.

According to plans, the secondary school students will visit different laboratories where Szeged professors will present their research groups and their research activities.

The signing-up of 11th and 12th grade students and university students for the program is also expected apart from Szent-Györgyi young students.

Presentation of Szent-György Talentum Prize

Another important program of the visit of the Neher couple is the presentation of Szent-Györgyi Talentum Prize

The Szent-Györgyi Talentum Prize acknowledges a Szeged researcher who – similar to Albert Szent-Györgyi – also conducted a significant part of their research related to their discovery in Szeged. The prize was first presented in 2013, the prize-winner was Balázs Papp, researcher of the Szeged Center of Biology who win this prize for the revelation of the general features of gene mutual effect networks. The prize was then presented by Bert Sakmann, Nobel Laureate scientist. Csaba Pál received the acknowledgment in 2014 which was presented by Ada Yonath and Aaron Ciechanover Nobel Laureate researchers. The young Szeged researcher won the prize for the detailed mapping of the resistance of bacteria against antibacteria. He later received the Bolyai Prize on 18th May, 2015.

Besides the board curators of the Foundation, Erwin Neher also takes part in the selection process of the 2015 awards. The award will be presented at 8 p.m. on 13th June, 2015 in the Szeged National Theater.


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