The University of Szeged has joined the Demola Global Innovation Community, within the framework of the USZ Virtus Enterprise Catalyst Program, which aims to create a young, open, multidisciplinary community that works with creative ideas and methods to solve real market problems.
Demola is an open innovation platform where international project teams can work on real company challenges, with co-creation method, for 8 weeks. The teams work together with the corporate partners to develop the best possible solution to the business or industrial issues raised. The team must pitch the results of the project work to the representatives of thes ponsoring company.
Why should businesses participate in the Demola Programme?
Why should students participate in the Demola Programme?
For Demola projects, we are inviting all faculty students and young researchers, who feel the urge to work intensively for 8 weeks as a member of an innovative team with C-suite leaders.
For more information about the current industrial problem in the DEMOLA centre in Szeged, and more information about the program, visit the following link: and virtus.szte.