2025. March 13., Thursday


Get to know the ELI-ALPS project

On 2nd June, 2015, a series of presentations were given on the Szeged Laser Center at Hotel Forrás in Újszeged.

The participating companies and the representatives of the companies had the chance to get to know the Szeged Laser Center under construction on the Industry Information Day of ELI-ALPS.

The first phase of the big project

ELI_informacios_nap_lehrner_lorantThe ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd. invited the present and the future partners to Hotel Forrás on 2nd June, 2015. The 1st phase of the realization of ELI (ELI-ALPS) laser research center project was presented.

On the Information Day, the employees of the Szeged laser center presented the scientific and technical progress of the ELI-ALPS then the Hungarian and international participants could take part in professional conversations. The first phase of the laser research center is funded with 36,998 billion forints. The 85% of this sum is provided by the EU Regional Development Fund.

The fields of investment and research technology project of the ELI-ALPS were also touched upon. Following this, the Hungarian and international participants took part in professional discussions related to –among others- the topics of laser diagnostics, optical elements and vacuum systems of unique design.

ELI_informacios_nap_mucsi_janosIn his presentation giving account of the forming of the Szeged laser research center, János Mucsi, the director of technology of ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd. highlighted: ”In the construction related to the project the executing consortium applied a deep-construction technology unique in Europe. They drilled altogether 819 pillars into the ground under the building complex of about 25,000 square meters. For the secure use of laser installments they built a vibration-free ground with the use of cork and spring.”

Loránt Lehrner the CEO of ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd. said at the event: ”On the Information Day, around 100 Hungarian and international participants visited us from several countries, among others from England, France, Italy and the Czech Republic. It is to my pleasure that they had positive words about the technological and scientific progress of the project.”

Scientific progress

ELI_informacios_nap_osvay_karolyKároly Osvay, the research technology director of ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd. emphasized: ”We find it important that those interested in laser, optical and vacuum technology will be given proper information on the ELI-ALPS project and they will get to know the progress of the investment in the realization phase of the laser research center.”


The Szeged laser center as one of the scientific big investments of the EU will be constructed by the first half of 2016 according to plans. By that time a part of laser technological installments will be implemented, thus research work an start next year. The development of laser technology will continue until 2018.


 What is ELI-ALPS?

The goal of ELI-ALPS (Extreme Light Infrastructure Attosecond Light Purse Source) project is to create a unique European research institute founded on laser where both laser impulses and further light sources created with their help are at the researchers’ disposal.


The Szeged institute excels out of the institutes creating impulses of peak intensity in the creation of the most and the shortest impulses. The installment expectedly makes it possible to reach research results not only at the level of ultraquick physical base processes but also of biological, medical and materials sciences.

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The University of Szeged has joined the Demola Global Innovation Community, within the framework of the USZ Virtus Enterprise Catalyst Program, which aims to create a young, open, multidisciplinary community that works with creative ideas and methods to solve real market problems.